Latest Html Themes

The latest Html themes, templates and starters sorted by submission date.

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Focus Budget Manager screenshot

Budget Manager application built with Vue.js, Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB

Jsplumb screenshot

Visual connectivity for webapps

Static Website screenshot

🖥 New Vue/Nuxt website for - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers.

Sciter Sdk screenshot

Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine

Vue Mobile Template screenshot

🎉 An open-source and free H5 mobile template based on vue3.x + CompositionAPI + JavaScript + vite + vant + vue-router-n...

DjLint screenshot



✨ HTML Template Linter and Formatter. Django - Jinja - Nunjucks - Handlebars - GoLang

Serving Machine Learning Models screenshot

This repository contains instructions, template source code and examples on how to serve/deploy machine learning models ...

Ace Responsive Menu screenshot

Ace responsive menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create responsive multi-level navigation menus with multi device s...

Nukeviet screenshot

NukeViet CMS is multi Content Management System. NukeViet CMS is the 1st open source content management system in Vietna...

Landings screenshot

A set of Bootstrap & Tailwind based website templates ready to be used to create stunning websites.

Materializecss_starter screenshot

A Starter Boilerplate for Materializecss, ionicons, font-awesome and Animatecss

Now Ui Dashboard screenshot

Now UI Dashboard - Open Source Admin Template

Cassette screenshot

📼 A flexible media player component library for React that requires no up-front config

default image



Veaser, 对前端初学者友好的Vue2.x组件库/Veaser,a Vue2.x components library for beginners

Fos screenshot



Web Components to turn your web app into a fake operating system

Fundamental screenshot

Fundamental Library - SAP Design System Component Library

Lit screenshot



Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.

Rg screenshot



The open source component library for RiotJS

Vue Starter screenshot

:poodle: A boilerplate for SPA Client with HTML5, Vue, and Tailwind on Vite. screenshot

BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.3.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less rep...

Jsonform screenshot

Build forms from JSON Schema. Easily template-able. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 out of the box.

DjLint screenshot



✨ HTML Template Linter and Formatter. Django - Jinja - Nunjucks - Handlebars - GoLang

Material Dashboard Lite screenshot

A free dashboard template with material design lite

Mailtolink screenshot

A quick and easy way to generate markup for mailto links without having to worry about the annoying formatting.
