Popular Free Html themes

A higher quality collection of the best free themes for Html. Handpicked by our team 🙏

Html5 Boilerplate screenshot

A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.

HEAD screenshot



A simple guide to HTML <head> elements

Gentelella screenshot

Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

React Dnd screenshot

Drag and Drop for React

Lit screenshot



Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.

Html Css screenshot

Curso de HTML5 e CSS3

Jsplumb screenshot

Visual connectivity for webapps

Metro UI CSS screenshot

Impressive component library for expressive web development! Build responsive projects on the web with the first front-end component library in Metro Style. And now there are even more opportunities every day!

Website Templates screenshot

150+ HTML5 Website Templates

Html5 Qrcode screenshot

A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader. See end to end implementation at: https://scanapp.org

Coreui Free React Admin Template screenshot

CoreUI React is a free React admin template based on Bootstrap 5

MasterPortfolio screenshot

🔥 The Complete Customizable Software Developer Portfolio Template which lets you showcase your work and provides each and every detail about you as Software Developer.

Dopefolio screenshot

Dopefolio 🔥 - Portfolio Template for Developers 🚀

Coreui Free Vue Admin Template screenshot

Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and Vue 3

Startbootstrap Sb Admin screenshot

A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap

Mavo screenshot



Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!

Vime screenshot



Customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player. Modern alternative to Video.js and Plyr. Supports HTML5, HLS, Dash, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...

Jsonform screenshot

Build forms from JSON Schema. Easily template-able. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 out of the box.

Volt Bootstrap 5 Dashboard screenshot

Free and open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template with vanilla Javascript

Startbootstrap Freelancer screenshot

A flat design, one page, MIT licensed Bootstrap portfolio theme created by Start Bootstrap

Sciter Sdk screenshot

Sciter is an embeddable HTML/CSS/scripting engine

Startbootstrap Resume screenshot

A Bootstrap 4 resume/CV theme created by Start Bootstrap

Startbootstrap Simple Sidebar screenshot

An off canvas sidebar navigation Bootstrap HTML template created by Start Bootstrap

BigDataView screenshot


Awesome JavaScript Projects screenshot

This Repository contain awesome vanilla JavaScript projects.

Startbootstrap Clean Blog screenshot

A clean Bootstrap blog theme created by Start Bootstrap

Static Site Boilerplate screenshot

A better workflow for building modern static websites.

Tacit screenshot



CSS framework for dummies, without a single CSS class: nicely renders properly formatted HTML5 pages

Html5sortable screenshot

VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.

Simple Html Invoice Template screenshot

A modern, clean, and very simple responsive HTML invoice template

Startbootstrap Landing Page screenshot

A responsive, Bootstrap landing page template created by Start Bootstrap

Adminkit screenshot

AdminKit is a free & open-source HTML dashboard & admin template based on Bootstrap 5

Vue Aplayer screenshot

:cake: Easy-to-use music player for Vue 2.x

Startbootstrap Grayscale screenshot

A multipurpose one page Bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap

Html5media screenshot

Enables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers.

Xy Ui screenshot

Xy Ui


🎨面向未来的原生 web components UI组件库

HTML CSS JavaScript Projects For Beginners screenshot

Learn how to build simple, responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Web Development screenshot

Here you will find different web development mini projects which are made up of HTML, CSS & little bit of JavaScript. Do you have any such small project which is not already in the List!? 😄

Bemuse screenshot



⬤▗▚▚▚ Web-based online rhythm action game. Based on HTML5 technologies, React, Redux and Pixi.js.

Media Chrome screenshot

Custom elements (web components) for making audio and video player controls that look great in your website or app.

One Html Page Challenge screenshot

Can you create something cool without modern tools?

Startbootstrap New Age screenshot

A web app landing page theme created by Start Bootstrap

Varadbhogayata.github.io screenshot

My Portfolio - Personal Website

React Frontend Dev Portfolio screenshot

Easy to adapt and deploy React portfolio inspired with solutions found at GitHub.

Startbootstrap Modern Business screenshot

A multipurpose Bootstrap full website template created by Start Bootstrap

Resume Builder screenshot

Build a standard and professional single page resume

Nice Front End Tutorial screenshot

🌍 Constantly updated front-end resources, tutorials, opinions(与时俱进版前端资源,教程和意见。)

Mailtolink screenshot

A quick and easy way to generate markup for mailto links without having to worry about the annoying formatting.

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