Impressive component library for expressive web development! Build responsive projects on the web with the first front-end component library in Metro Style. And now there are even more opportunities every day!
CoreUI React is a free React admin template based on Bootstrap 5
:fire: Based on vue3.x,vite5.x, vant3.0.0, vue-router v4.0.0-0, vuex^4.0.0-0, vue-cli3, mockjs, imitating Jingdong Taobao, mobile H5 e-commerce platform! 基于vue3.0.0 ,vant3.0.0,vue-router v4.0.0-0, vuex^4.0.0-0,vue-cli3,mockjs,仿京东淘宝的,移动端H5电商平台!
:poodle: A boilerplate for web applications with Vue and Tailwind using TypeScript on Vite.
Out-of-box MPA plugin for Vite, generate multiple entries using only one template.