Html UI Kits & Component Libraries

Adminkit screenshot

AdminKit is a free & open-source HTML dashboard & admin template based on Bootstrap 5

Gomponents screenshot

View components in pure Go, that render to HTML 5.

JComponent screenshot

UI library for creating reusable UI components and SPA

KickstartDS screenshot

kickstartDS mono-repository, containing all packages but config related ones and the content component module

Media Chrome screenshot

Custom elements (web components) for making audio and video player controls that look great in your website or app.

Metro UI CSS screenshot

Impressive component library for expressive web development! Build responsive projects on the web with the first front-e...

Pure CSS3 Animated Border screenshot

Pure CSS3 animated border for all html element.

Smart Webcomponents screenshot

Web Components & Custom Elements for Professional Web Applications

Solid Design System screenshot

A design system for web development with Bootstrap 4, inspired by material design.

Xy Ui screenshot

Xy Ui


🎨面向未来的原生 web components UI组件库